Thursday, September 10, 2009

The National Herbarium of Zimbabwe

The National Herbarium is an important regional herbarium housing approximately 500,000 specimens. It is the largest herbarium in the Flora Zambesiaca region and in southern Africa it ties in second place with the Compton Herbarium at Kirstenbosch, the largest herbarium being Pretoria.

The dried plant collections are subject to attack by a variety of pests and some insect damage has already occurred. Fumigation is essential at regular intervals and the latest scheduled event is now overdue.

Like most other institutions in Zimbabwe, the National Herbarium is suffering from financial difficulties at present.

In order to prevent irreparable damage to this important collection, and as the Tree Society and some of its members make use of this valuable resource, we have agreed to raise money towards covering this cost.

The (one-time) cost of the fumigation is US$ 350. Donations amounting to US$ 70 have already been received, so the outstanding amount is currently US$ 280.

Anyone wishing to donate should give such donation to the Tree Society; specifically to the Treasurer, Mr Terry Fallon (74, Lamenier Village, 4 Ridgeway North, Chisipite; tel: 481076; email: or to the Chairman, Mark Hyde (29, Harry Pichanick Drive, Alexandra Park, Harare; tel: Harare 745263; email: or to any Tree Society Committee member.

Any overseas person wishing to donate should contact me directly to discuss how this could be done.

Receipts will be issued if requested.

May I urge everyone to make a contribution, however small, to this important matter.

Please forward this email to anyone who might be interested in helping to fund this important project.

If anyone has any questions or thoughts about this, please get in touch with me.

Mark Hyde -
Chairman, Tree Society of Zimbabwe

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